Minggu, 17 November 2013

Example of Narrative and Descriptive Text -English Time-

The Cipmunk that Ran Away

Once upon a time, there was a nervous little chipmunk. She was always afraid that something bad happened to her.
        One day, she heard a little noise. It was really only an apple that fell to the ground. But the little chipmunk was afraid and said “The sky is falling in.” then she railed away as fast as she could go. Soon she met an old brother chipmunk, who asked, “Where are you running to, little chipmunk ?” and the little chipmunk answered, “The sky is falling in, and I am running away.” “The sky is falling in?” said the old brother chipmunk, until at last there were a hundred brother chipmunks shouting, “The sky is falling in.”
        Soon the larger animals heard what the chipmunks were saying. The deer, the sheep, the pig, the camel, the tiger, and the elephant began to say, “the sky is falling in.” then the wise Lion heard all the noise and wanted to know what was happening. He stopped all the animals and asked, “What are you saying?” The brother chipmunks said, “Oh we heard it from that little chipmunk !” and the lion said, “ Little chipmunk, what made you say that the near the tree.” “well,” said he lion, “come with me and I will show you how something”. “Now get on my back.” The lion took her on his back, and asked the animal, to stay where they were untilthey returned.
        Then he showed the little chipmunk that the apple had fallen to the ground. This made the noise that had made her afraid. The little chipmunk said, “Oh, I see. The sky is not dalling in.” the lion said, “Let’s go back and tell the other animals.” So they went back. At last all the animals knew that the sky was not falling in.

Questions :
a.    What is the main participant of the story above ?
b.    What is the kind of the text ?
c.    In first paragraph, there is a sentence “She was always afraid…”, the word ”she” is refer to ?
d.    What is the complication ?
e.    How was the problem solved ?
f.    What is the character of the little chipmunk ?
g.    What is the character of the lion ?
h.    What is the text organization of the story above ?
i.      What moral issues you can learn from the story ?
j.     This story’s tittle is “The Little Chipmunk that Ran Way”. Can you make other ittle for this story ?


Lions are wild animals that eat meat. It means that lions are carnivores. Lions are magnificent animals that appear as a symbol of power, courage and nobility and national flags in many civilizations. Wild lions currently exist in Africa and in Asia with a critically endangered remnant population.
Lions live for ten to fourteen years in the wild, while in captivity they can live longer than twenty years. In the wild, males seldom live longer than ten years, as injuries sustained from continual fighting with rival males greatly reduce their longevity. They typically inhabit savanna and grassland, although they may take to bush and forest. 
Lions are unusually social compared to other cats. A pride of lions consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males. Groups of female lions typically hunt together, preying mostly on large ungulates, such as Zebras, Deers, and Buffalos. Lions are apex and keystone predators. 
Visually, the male lion is highly distinctive and is easily recognized by its mane. Mature male lions are unique among the cat species for the thick mane of brown or black hair encircling the head and neck. Both male and female lions roar, a sound which can be heard as far as 8 kilometers away. However, Male lions are bigger than female lions.

Questions :
1.     What is the feed of lion and give the example !
2.    Which one is bigger ? female lions or male lions ?
3.    What is the meaning the symbol of wild lions ?
4.    How long lions can live ?
5.    Where is the good habitants for lions ?
6.    “Lion’s roar can be heard as far as 10 km away”, did this statement true ?
7.    What is the colour of lion’s hair ?
8.    Lions is the species of ……
9.    Where from lions big population ?
10. Did lions hunt together to get a food ?

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